Idaho ID
Starlink Professional Installers Directory
Starlink Installations - Boise ID
For service ring Pamela Starr Williams on 279 977 4079
Starlink Installations
145 Thain Road, Suite A - Lewiston, Idaho 83501
for services ring Dan Smith on phone 208 743 5105
Donnelly Construction Inc - Starlink Installations - Rigby, Idaho
For service ring Jason Donnelly on 208 521 8877
Starlink Installations - 2653 E Fairview Ave, Meridian ID 83642
Sales: 208 342 4242 - Service: 208 4-07 6606
Starlink Installations - Providing commercial and residential services and solutions for camera systems, low volt wiring, and networking.
Winchester, ID 83555 - Serving local communities, including but not limited to, Lewiston, Moscow, Genesee, Kendrick, Lapwai, Orofino, Kamiah, Kooskia, Grangeville, Cottonwood, Craigmont, Winchester.
For services ring John Hammondon on 208 494 4552 or 208 305 8813
Starlink Installations
Sugar City, Idaho
For services call Spencer Gierke on phone 208 313 8993