Oregon OR

Starlink Professional Installers Directory

Your first choice Starlink Installer in Grants Pass, Oregon - 541 708 2283

<- Find your nearest Professional Starlink Installer on the map.

Below:  Oregon Installers in alphabetical order

Starlink Installations

Serving Southern Oregon including Grants Pass, Rogue River & Medford Areas 

For service ring Rob Chittenden on phone 514 474 7701

Starlink Installations

1920 Cloverlawn Drive, Grants Pass, Oregon 97527

For service ring Mario Guerra on phone:   541 708 2283

Starlink Installations     -     Oregon

For service ring Adam Hajjaj on phone 503 991 4228


Newberg OR   -   971 313 2770


Redmond Oregon - 541-668-7514

Starlink Installations   -   Bend, Oregon 97708

For services call David Koski on phone 541 977 4933

Starlink Installations

214 SE 8th St, Grants Pass, OR 97526

For service call 541 660 3242

Starlink Installations


541 719 8329

Adventure Van & Boat Starlink Installation.   Based in Seattle.  Serving Washington, Colorado and Oregon.  25+ years electrical engineering experience working with camper vans, RV and marine Starlink installations, Solar, battery solutions, Wi-Fi, security cameras, networking, lighting, audio and more. 

For services ring Rebecca Wulff on phone 405 834 3693 or email to rebecca@wolfpackoverland.com